Greetings Jacob. It is great to see you are back at your old Kotobago blog. I enjoy trying to figure out what you have spilling out from your brain. I enjoy experiencing parts of Oscoda that I have not experienced before, and it is fun to experience again parts that I have experienced say 60 some years before. Take for instance going to the Hardware store in downtown Oscoda yesterday. We parked our car in the exact spot that was our playground in elementary school. I was in the 4th grade and we parked in about the exact spot where had tacked a bully who was picking on other kids. Did that make me a hero or just a bully myself? That was about 1962. About 5 years later, as Boy Scouts we played capture the flag in the same area! I had to stand there in amazement at the memories that flooded my mind--it was like I was in a time machine controlled by my geographical position on earth. Of course I shared all of this insight with Barbara, my wife of 43 years, and your mother! Cheers Dad

PS I tried to make a comment earlier and was sent to Substack to enter a password. If possible please explain how your blog is related to Substack.

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Interesting anecdote! Thanks for your comment. I think I scheduled this post to publish last year but while I was eating lunch I was surprised to see an email from myself. I guess I had selected July 14th, 2022 instead of July 14th, 2021.

Isn't it interesting how the computer has been counting down for the past year just so we could experience some serendipity. Had I selected 2021 you would not have been able to share this experience because it had not happened yet! Crazy world we live in 🤣

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Yes, very interesting as I have come to realize there are no coincidences.

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Oh, never mind, I see that it says right below that your blog is published on Substack.

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