mishear something
Context is one of the most powerful subconscious barriers. Barriers are useful overall but they are limiting for stage 1 ideation. Removing all barriers would be insanity--but lowering two or three barriers between specific contexts can help you realize things that few have thought before.
get organized
Write all ideas down
it’s cheap to throw ideas away
it’s taxing to try to create new ideas right when you need them
reward yourself for ideas — even bad ones but especially weird ones
catalog everything but then randomize access
out of context media consumption
Randomized media playing mixes contexts. Mixing context can increase creativity and novelty.
increase entropy in your environment (&repeat)
this is impossible to do physically but you can choose to make your media consumption more random. this is a multiplier to step 1 (mis-hearing). play random media as part of your daily routine or at scheduled intervals
rapidly iterate through combinations https://unli.xyz/proliferation/
This morning I was awakened by my random media alarm clock. I overheard a conversation and it somehow inspired me to write this blog post. Ideas move in mysterious ways~
To help more people mudge through the long-tail of internet content I've created a website to help you discover random and older videos which the YouTube algorithm has ignored or was taught to forget: EjectUbe. Escape the YouTube algorithm and keep track of videos from your favorite channels!